A downloadable game

I am presenting a game pitch at my university on Friday, 3rd February, 2023.  It is a full powerpoint presentation with images and plans and information in great detail! But at the end I would like to demonstrate what I think the level design of this Zoo Job Simulator could look like, so I thought I'd make a mini walking simulator of my initial world map plan, as seen below:

Map Drafted Doodle

It would have 3 larger outside animals to care for, and a couple of smaller animals to care for inside of the main building.

The main gameplay of the finished product would be a single player or multiplayer game, where player(s) pick up jobs from the computers/laptops in the main office, and then execute them in the main animal care/zoo care enclosure.

There are no customers or zoo visitors, this is animal care only, as it is a job simulator for animal care of several animals, more than a job simulator for an open zoo.

(Disclaimer: The assets used are some quick and easily found free Unity assets from the Unity asset store, they are meant to be placeholders in this prototype, to be replaced with original models and animations if the games pitch is chosen and a team is assigned to it.)

My Socials:

Twitter/Instagram: @Kouda_ha

Mastodon: tech.lgbt/@Kouda_Ha


ZooSimRapidPrototypeAlpha.zip 50 MB

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